Yarileidy Leon Suarez

Welcome to Yarileidy Leon Suarez's ePorfolio.
Graduation Spring 2013
“Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness.”
- Ola Joseph, Author
My name is Yarileidy Leon Suarez. I am Spanish major student with concentration in Literature and Culture. I would like to share my experiences and works that I have accumulated through my time as a CSUMB student and as a Spanish major. I would like to invite you to give a look at the following tags to know more about my path through CSUMB as a Spanish Major student.
Table of Contents
Graduation Spring 2013
“Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness.”
- Ola Joseph, Author
My name is Yarileidy Leon Suarez. I am Spanish major student with concentration in Literature and Culture. I would like to share my experiences and works that I have accumulated through my time as a CSUMB student and as a Spanish major. I would like to invite you to give a look at the following tags to know more about my path through CSUMB as a Spanish Major student.
Table of Contents
- Resume
- Capstone Project
- Learning Service
- MLO 1 Language Profiency
- MLO 2 Language and Linguistic Knowledge
- MLO 3 Literary and Cultural Knowledge
- MLO 4 Secundary Culture
- MLO 5 Cultural Praxis
- MLO 6 Information Technology Literacy