Tavares: MLO5
MLO 5: Cultural Praxis (Cultural Internalization and Language Immersion)
My life has been involved in the Hispanic culture specially the Mexican culture since I was young; I have been part of its traditions and its language. A short period of my life I live in México, I could steel remember the events that we had in school as a community, everyone gets involve in those events since they are culturally important to the community. At the same time I learn why did the events that we as children participated were important. Now as an adult I steel practice those beliefs that once were inculcate to me since I was young, also every summer or Christmas vacation I sometimes travel back because it’s different to where I now live. A Christmas in Salinas, California it’s not the same as I remember in México, it’s not just that we did a big celebration but the fact that everyone in the family got together and we did a celebration with the community as well. The celebration is called a posada which is a celebration where the community gets together and they prey in one of the households in the community, after they prayer is over they give a humble gift to the participants; it’s not just the gift but the significance behind it. Christmas is one of those events for the Mexican community to be united with each other; it doesn’t matter if there were some conflict between some individuals it’s a time for peace. One other thing that influenced me as a child and up to this day is the Mexican cuisine; many of the traditional plates have embedded in them the roots that once the ancient civilizations in that area utilize a example would be the use of corn in our cuisine. Another factor that I grew up in the community was its music; it’s a part of us and the majority of the time we utilize it to socialize. Usually when we go out as a group of friends we go somewhere where we can listen to music or even dance. It’s a new way to meet new people that have some of the same interest as you do. In addition I also help one of the professors in a linguistic project that involve a conversation with an individual that their home town was Jalisco, Guanajuato or Michoacán. The project was to listen if the individuals that participated spoke the same way or if they had some sort of differences depending on the area that they originated from. During the conversation with the individuals I notice that there was a difference, some of them where from the same estate but live either in a rural area or in the city. Also during the conversations I could relate to them in some sort of way, many of the factors that they mention on the interview I also had experience them.
Linguistics Project
My life has been involved in the Hispanic culture specially the Mexican culture since I was young; I have been part of its traditions and its language. A short period of my life I live in México, I could steel remember the events that we had in school as a community, everyone gets involve in those events since they are culturally important to the community. At the same time I learn why did the events that we as children participated were important. Now as an adult I steel practice those beliefs that once were inculcate to me since I was young, also every summer or Christmas vacation I sometimes travel back because it’s different to where I now live. A Christmas in Salinas, California it’s not the same as I remember in México, it’s not just that we did a big celebration but the fact that everyone in the family got together and we did a celebration with the community as well. The celebration is called a posada which is a celebration where the community gets together and they prey in one of the households in the community, after they prayer is over they give a humble gift to the participants; it’s not just the gift but the significance behind it. Christmas is one of those events for the Mexican community to be united with each other; it doesn’t matter if there were some conflict between some individuals it’s a time for peace. One other thing that influenced me as a child and up to this day is the Mexican cuisine; many of the traditional plates have embedded in them the roots that once the ancient civilizations in that area utilize a example would be the use of corn in our cuisine. Another factor that I grew up in the community was its music; it’s a part of us and the majority of the time we utilize it to socialize. Usually when we go out as a group of friends we go somewhere where we can listen to music or even dance. It’s a new way to meet new people that have some of the same interest as you do. In addition I also help one of the professors in a linguistic project that involve a conversation with an individual that their home town was Jalisco, Guanajuato or Michoacán. The project was to listen if the individuals that participated spoke the same way or if they had some sort of differences depending on the area that they originated from. During the conversation with the individuals I notice that there was a difference, some of them where from the same estate but live either in a rural area or in the city. Also during the conversations I could relate to them in some sort of way, many of the factors that they mention on the interview I also had experience them.
Linguistics Project