Rivera: MLO5
I have met this MLO outcome because I lived for more than two yearn ina Hispanic community over at Salinas. I was born and grew up in México, I move here to the United States when I was around ten years old. I am a native Spanish speaker. I communicate in Spanish all the time with my friends, family and anyone who can speak Spanish. I lived most of my time here in the United States in a Hispanic community. I go shopping for my groceries to Hispanic food markets. I full this requirement because all the time I am speaking in Spanish. I have taken so many courses in Spanish and I can perfectly communicate in Spanish with anyone. I lived in a community where my neighbors are mostly Hispanic, so we communicate in Spanish. I also watch media in Spanish I can perfectly understand the news in Spanish or any show conducted in Spanish. I also have attend cultural events such as El Cinco el Mayo, Mexican independence day September 16, over at Salinas Hispanic community and El festival de la Fresa, in Watsonville. These are Hispanic events; these communities keep Hispanic traditions and where Hispanic people gather to celebrate these cultural events form our country México. In some of my classes at CSUMB I have watch many movies in Spanish such us La Histotia Oficial, Machuca, La Celestina, Marcelino Pan y Vino, Don Quixote de la Mancha, La Celestina, Las Mariposas, and some others. I was able to understand everything going on in the movie. I also took a course called span 301 Service Learning, this class was design to help improve our personal and professional communication needs in Spanish. I did my community service in a Salinas which is community with mostly Hispanic people. The environment in the Union de Campesinos where I did my service was a speaking Spanish environment, I spoke Spanish all the time with the people in the work place and with the people that walk in for services. I also answer phone calls and scheduled appointments, speaking Spanish all the time, indeed, Spanish was the only language spoken in the site most people who walk in did not speak English. The staff as well spoke Spanish all the time, and the environment was complete speaking Spanish. I serve this community for two to five hours a day to complete 30 hours in total. After I completed my service I did a presentation in Spanish to my class and I demonstrate my Spanish language communication skills. I also wrote many journals to inform my teacher of my involvement in the Union de Campesinos. In my presentation I demonstrated my intercultural communication skills. In a journal I also demonstrate self-reflection on my assumptions and stereotypes of Hispanic people who work in the field, and I showed how I became aware of community issues especially as they relate to immigrants.