Rivera: MLO2
I am fluent in Spanish I was born and raise in Mexico therefore, I have met this MLO outcome, and I am able to have a conversation fluently in Spanish. My parents don’t speak English so I am always speaking Spanish with my family, relatives and friends. I have met the outcomes also through two of my classes that I taken. In my Span 303- Advanced Spanish grammar class I gain knowledge of the Spanish grammar rules. I was able to show my knowledge though writing some papers and doing a mini presentation one of the grammar rules.I demostrate my knowlege gained in this essay. In this class it was also mandatory to speak Spanish all the time, other wise we were taken off point when spoke in English. I am fluent in Spanish so I have no difficulty communicating in Spanish. In my Span 301-composition and oral practice I did a lot of composition written in Spanish, and I was able to show my ability of being able to write in an appropriate level in Spanish. I also did presentations for this class where I also showed my ability to communicate with my class mates. I also did many mini speeches when I was called by the teacher. I also read to the whole class when the teacher called on me to read pieces of the lecture. I gain knowledge and gain practice of reading in public and widen my vocabulary through the readings. In my final presentation I was able to speak in Spanish and deliver my message with no difficulties. In these two classes I gain knowledge about advanced Spanish grammar and was able to show in my work. I also gain a higher ability to speak in public with no problem people understanding me. I can clearly communicate with anyone in Spanish. My grammar class definitely broader my skills in writing better in Spanish. I have put in practice my knowledge gained in these two classes in the many essays I have written in Spanish for all my Spanish classes I have demonstrated my ability to write in Spanish in an appropriate level.
Span 301 composition and oral practice- powerpoint
Span 303 advanced Spanish grammar s- essay
Span 301 composition and oral practice- powerpoint
Span 303 advanced Spanish grammar s- essay