Perez: MLO2
MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
Through my Spanish 313, Intro to Spanish Linguistics, I was able to obtain language and linguistic knowledge. The major lessons of the class were phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, sociolinguistics, and dialectology. Although the class was an introductory class and did not go into greater detail, it is a class I will never forget and will always value. The most difficult lesson of the class was the phonetics of the Spanish language, the sound system of Spanish. As a class we were able to learn which parts of the human mouth were called and how they contributed to the overall sound of the Spanish language. With a partner I was able to interview an English-speaker learning Spanish, as well as a second generation in America Spanish-speaker. Through our interviews we were able to listen to the difference of pronunciation between the two speakers. Learning about morphology and syntax furthered my understanding of Spanish grammar. Morphology and syntax required me to look closely at the Spanish language. While looking closer I was able to clearly understand and make better connections to the grammar of Spanish. This newfound understanding helped me in other classes as well as this one. Sociolinguistics furthered my understanding of the various social groups and how they affected the Spanish language.
For a long time, during my academic career, I had been considering becoming a translator. It was this Spanish Linguistics class that made me realize why. The many lessons of this class would fascinate me and I would want to learn more. I realized that all I was doing was learning more about the language. Learning how my mouth functioned when I spoke made me more aware of how to speak more clearly in Spanish. When learning about the evolvement of the Spanish language I was able to make connections between the Spanish language and its English translation. My goal is to eventually master the Spanish language and I feel that by becoming a translator I can truly accomplish that and possibly even further my knowledge in linguistics. I do plan on one day learning more on Spanish linguistics and perhaps I will go back to school one day to earn a degree in the subject as well. Furthering my knowledge in Spanish linguistics would be truly beneficial to my education and, because it is a subject I truly enjoy, I will have fun learning more about it.
Attached are files that relate to my work here:
Homework Sheet 1 PDF, Span 313
Homework Sheet 2 PDF, Span 313
Midterm Presentation Powerpoint, Span 313
Midterm Handout Sheet PDF, Span 313
Midterm Reflection, Span 313
Final Presentation Powerpoint, Span 313
Final Handout Sheet PDF, Span 313
Through my Spanish 313, Intro to Spanish Linguistics, I was able to obtain language and linguistic knowledge. The major lessons of the class were phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, sociolinguistics, and dialectology. Although the class was an introductory class and did not go into greater detail, it is a class I will never forget and will always value. The most difficult lesson of the class was the phonetics of the Spanish language, the sound system of Spanish. As a class we were able to learn which parts of the human mouth were called and how they contributed to the overall sound of the Spanish language. With a partner I was able to interview an English-speaker learning Spanish, as well as a second generation in America Spanish-speaker. Through our interviews we were able to listen to the difference of pronunciation between the two speakers. Learning about morphology and syntax furthered my understanding of Spanish grammar. Morphology and syntax required me to look closely at the Spanish language. While looking closer I was able to clearly understand and make better connections to the grammar of Spanish. This newfound understanding helped me in other classes as well as this one. Sociolinguistics furthered my understanding of the various social groups and how they affected the Spanish language.
For a long time, during my academic career, I had been considering becoming a translator. It was this Spanish Linguistics class that made me realize why. The many lessons of this class would fascinate me and I would want to learn more. I realized that all I was doing was learning more about the language. Learning how my mouth functioned when I spoke made me more aware of how to speak more clearly in Spanish. When learning about the evolvement of the Spanish language I was able to make connections between the Spanish language and its English translation. My goal is to eventually master the Spanish language and I feel that by becoming a translator I can truly accomplish that and possibly even further my knowledge in linguistics. I do plan on one day learning more on Spanish linguistics and perhaps I will go back to school one day to earn a degree in the subject as well. Furthering my knowledge in Spanish linguistics would be truly beneficial to my education and, because it is a subject I truly enjoy, I will have fun learning more about it.
Attached are files that relate to my work here:
Homework Sheet 1 PDF, Span 313
Homework Sheet 2 PDF, Span 313
Midterm Presentation Powerpoint, Span 313
Midterm Handout Sheet PDF, Span 313
Midterm Reflection, Span 313
Final Presentation Powerpoint, Span 313
Final Handout Sheet PDF, Span 313