Orozco: MLO1
MLO 1: Language Proficiency
In order to fulfill my language proficiency MLO 1 I took many classes in Spanish which helped me improve my abilities in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Although my Spanish courses have helped me to fulfill my MLO 1 it is important to mention that I am a native Spanish speaker; consequently, my ability to express and understand the language is very fluent. I was born and raised in Mexico and also since I immigrated to the United States in the year 2001, I have live in Salinas, California which is a community with a large population of Spanish speakers. As a result, growing up in Mexico and later immigrating to Salinas has given me the opportunity to be a fluent Spanish speaker which has been of great help to fulfilling my Spanish major requirements.
Although I am a native Spanish speaker, it was very important to take several courses that helped me improve my ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing. For example a class that has really helped me in my listening ability is Span 309: History and Politics of Latin America. This course has helped me in improving my listening ability because in this course we constantly watch videos from which we later have to write essays, so I have to be an active listener in order to capture the videos main ideas so that later I can transform the videos information into an essay.
Furthermore, a course that has really assisted me in improving my reading skills is Span 426 Narativa Hispanoamerica. This course really challenged my reading skill because it was reading where the author’s ideology was not very implicit so I had to really analyze what the author was trying to convey. In this course I read from very well recognize Hispanic authors such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alejo Carpentier, and Carlos Fuentes to name a few. Although this course was very challenging, it gave me the skills to become an analytical reader in Spanish literature.
Finally, even though almost all of my classes have involve writing papers, a class that has help me the most to improve my writing skills is Span 301:Composition oral practice, in this course I had the opportunity to write essays about different topics such as issues of relevance to Latin America and also biographical papers about my life. This course helped me learn about the process of organizing my ideas and making them into a well coherent essay.
Here are some examples of the work I did for this MLO
Span 426: La soledad en Cien años de soledad
Span 301:
Span 309 test
In order to fulfill my language proficiency MLO 1 I took many classes in Spanish which helped me improve my abilities in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Although my Spanish courses have helped me to fulfill my MLO 1 it is important to mention that I am a native Spanish speaker; consequently, my ability to express and understand the language is very fluent. I was born and raised in Mexico and also since I immigrated to the United States in the year 2001, I have live in Salinas, California which is a community with a large population of Spanish speakers. As a result, growing up in Mexico and later immigrating to Salinas has given me the opportunity to be a fluent Spanish speaker which has been of great help to fulfilling my Spanish major requirements.
Although I am a native Spanish speaker, it was very important to take several courses that helped me improve my ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing. For example a class that has really helped me in my listening ability is Span 309: History and Politics of Latin America. This course has helped me in improving my listening ability because in this course we constantly watch videos from which we later have to write essays, so I have to be an active listener in order to capture the videos main ideas so that later I can transform the videos information into an essay.
Furthermore, a course that has really assisted me in improving my reading skills is Span 426 Narativa Hispanoamerica. This course really challenged my reading skill because it was reading where the author’s ideology was not very implicit so I had to really analyze what the author was trying to convey. In this course I read from very well recognize Hispanic authors such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alejo Carpentier, and Carlos Fuentes to name a few. Although this course was very challenging, it gave me the skills to become an analytical reader in Spanish literature.
Finally, even though almost all of my classes have involve writing papers, a class that has help me the most to improve my writing skills is Span 301:Composition oral practice, in this course I had the opportunity to write essays about different topics such as issues of relevance to Latin America and also biographical papers about my life. This course helped me learn about the process of organizing my ideas and making them into a well coherent essay.
Here are some examples of the work I did for this MLO
Span 426: La soledad en Cien años de soledad
Span 301:
Span 309 test