Ornelas: MLO3
The MLO3: With this MLO3 I earned knowledge of the Hispanic literature and culture. In some of these courses that full fill this MLO3, I had the opportunity to form new perspectives of the different philosophies, believes and other ideas that were addressed.
These courses meet MLO 3
SPAN 304: Intro To Hispanic Literature: In this course I learned about of the principles of literary analysis of fiction, drama, and poetry from Spain and Spanish America. I read some of “Poesía Lírica del Siglo XVI” some of the greatest writers I read about were Garcilaso de la Vega, Fray Luis de Leon and San Jun de la Cruz. Other topic that this class covered was “La Novela Piscaresca” such La vida de Lazarillo Tormes. As for the modern novel, I read Don Quijote from Miguel de Cervantes. Other topicI learned in this course was about El Teatro some of the most important master pieces were from Lope de Vega (Fuenteovejuna), Juan Ruiz se Alarcon (La verdad sospechosa) and Calderon de la Brca (La vida es un sueno).
Span 309 History of Latina America: This course covered the history of Latin American. It focused on the development of political and social structures since the independence movements of the 19th century. Moreover, it made emphasis on the revolutionary movements in the 20th century as well as the guerrilla movements and the great impact they created in the Latin American society. This class taught me how the history of each Latin American country is related to the rest of Latin America countries in the political, social and economical aspects.
SPAN 310: Hispanic Child Literature: This was a fun to learn course because it addressed how important and fun the children’s literature is. I consider that reading to children at an early age is crucial to their future education and success in life. In the class I had the opportunity to read fairy tales, poetry, essays, and drama for children. Also, I had the opportunity to write stories for children of my own creation and for one of them I made a video clip which I presented to class. This class taught me how to prepare a productive and fun class for children. Some of the activities were done in teams which I loved because it gave me the opportunity to work with other classmates like in real life.
SPAN 426: Narrativa Hispano-Americana: This class was one of my favorite literature classes because I had the opportunity to read some of the greatest novels from the Latin American Boom. I read “One Hundred Years Of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.“Aura” de Carlos Fuentes.Alejo Carpentier “Viaje a la Semilla.” Jorge Luis Borges “Final del Juego, Casa Tomada and The Aleph.” Some other important writers were Elena Garro“La Culpa es de los Tlaxcaltecas” and Miguel Angel Asturias “El Señor Presidente.” While reading these great novels I learned to analyze literature and write literature analysis essays. Also, I learn about the history of Latin America in a writers’ perspective. Some of the challenges of this course were to keep up with the reading and written assignments; however, it was still enjoyable to read about the history of Latin America in a novel.
These ares some examples of my worke I completed to fulfill MLO3
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These courses meet MLO 3
SPAN 304: Intro To Hispanic Literature: In this course I learned about of the principles of literary analysis of fiction, drama, and poetry from Spain and Spanish America. I read some of “Poesía Lírica del Siglo XVI” some of the greatest writers I read about were Garcilaso de la Vega, Fray Luis de Leon and San Jun de la Cruz. Other topic that this class covered was “La Novela Piscaresca” such La vida de Lazarillo Tormes. As for the modern novel, I read Don Quijote from Miguel de Cervantes. Other topicI learned in this course was about El Teatro some of the most important master pieces were from Lope de Vega (Fuenteovejuna), Juan Ruiz se Alarcon (La verdad sospechosa) and Calderon de la Brca (La vida es un sueno).
Span 309 History of Latina America: This course covered the history of Latin American. It focused on the development of political and social structures since the independence movements of the 19th century. Moreover, it made emphasis on the revolutionary movements in the 20th century as well as the guerrilla movements and the great impact they created in the Latin American society. This class taught me how the history of each Latin American country is related to the rest of Latin America countries in the political, social and economical aspects.
SPAN 310: Hispanic Child Literature: This was a fun to learn course because it addressed how important and fun the children’s literature is. I consider that reading to children at an early age is crucial to their future education and success in life. In the class I had the opportunity to read fairy tales, poetry, essays, and drama for children. Also, I had the opportunity to write stories for children of my own creation and for one of them I made a video clip which I presented to class. This class taught me how to prepare a productive and fun class for children. Some of the activities were done in teams which I loved because it gave me the opportunity to work with other classmates like in real life.
SPAN 426: Narrativa Hispano-Americana: This class was one of my favorite literature classes because I had the opportunity to read some of the greatest novels from the Latin American Boom. I read “One Hundred Years Of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.“Aura” de Carlos Fuentes.Alejo Carpentier “Viaje a la Semilla.” Jorge Luis Borges “Final del Juego, Casa Tomada and The Aleph.” Some other important writers were Elena Garro“La Culpa es de los Tlaxcaltecas” and Miguel Angel Asturias “El Señor Presidente.” While reading these great novels I learned to analyze literature and write literature analysis essays. Also, I learn about the history of Latin America in a writers’ perspective. Some of the challenges of this course were to keep up with the reading and written assignments; however, it was still enjoyable to read about the history of Latin America in a novel.
These ares some examples of my worke I completed to fulfill MLO3
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