Ornelas: MLO2
MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
The Major Learning Outcome, MLO 2, helped me to develop a deep understanding of the phonetics, advanced grammar, oral practice, and listening the Spanish language. Also I learned about the history of Spanish language. Also, I developed a stronger understanding about composition and oral practice of Spanish language as well. Plus I learned how useful the Spanish language is for all the professional fields, since United States has became a Latinize country. For the same reason, the introduction to Spanish-English translation class was beneficial because it gave me a better understanding of the importance of the bilingualism in real life in this country. I met this MLO 2 by completing a series of exercises, presentations, essays, projects, and exams related to each class. One of the challenges I had while achieving this MLO was completing Spanish 303 Advance Grammar because I had to take it partially online. Since I was not able to attend the lectures I found the course a little challenging to complete. However, with the opportune assistance and help of Dr. Brown I was able to finish this class successfully and learned more about Spanish grammar, the subjunctive, ser versus estar, grammatical issues of the grammar language.
The following courses, I took fulfill MLO 2
SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice: This class meets the requirements of MLO2 and helped me to build my proficiency in composition and oral practice according to the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. I expanded my professional vocabulary to efficiently communicate my personal opinion about different subjects discussed in class during the discussion section. I respectfully listened to my classmates to present the point of view during the discussion section which helped me to develop my critical thinking. SPAN 302: History/Phonetics and Structure of Span Lang: This course taught me the importance of phonetics and the morphology of the standard Spanish. Besides I learned about the evolution of Standard Spanish thorough its evolution as a Romance language. Span 303 Adv. Spanish Grammar: In this course I learned how important is to achieve an efficient oral and written (grammatically correct) message in Spanish to communicate with others. Span 305 Spanish for the Professions:This course helped me to improve my professional vocabulary for different areas such as business, education, law, medicine, social work, and other professions. Furthermore, I reinforced my knowledge and practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course was particularly beneficial to me because when I was taking it, I was attending some business courses then I was more confident to understand the concepts in both languages. Spanish 395 Introduction to Translation-Spanish and English: This course clarified me the difference between translation and interpretation. Also, in this course I learned that there different types of translation such as literal, interlineal, equilibrada, idiomática y libre. I also understood the translation theories through readings, class discussions, and other assignments such as the analysis of translated materials which were presented to the class. This class also covered some grammar and how to avoid grammatical mistakes while translating from one language to another one.
These are some examples of the work I completed to fufill MLO2
The Major Learning Outcome, MLO 2, helped me to develop a deep understanding of the phonetics, advanced grammar, oral practice, and listening the Spanish language. Also I learned about the history of Spanish language. Also, I developed a stronger understanding about composition and oral practice of Spanish language as well. Plus I learned how useful the Spanish language is for all the professional fields, since United States has became a Latinize country. For the same reason, the introduction to Spanish-English translation class was beneficial because it gave me a better understanding of the importance of the bilingualism in real life in this country. I met this MLO 2 by completing a series of exercises, presentations, essays, projects, and exams related to each class. One of the challenges I had while achieving this MLO was completing Spanish 303 Advance Grammar because I had to take it partially online. Since I was not able to attend the lectures I found the course a little challenging to complete. However, with the opportune assistance and help of Dr. Brown I was able to finish this class successfully and learned more about Spanish grammar, the subjunctive, ser versus estar, grammatical issues of the grammar language.
The following courses, I took fulfill MLO 2
SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice: This class meets the requirements of MLO2 and helped me to build my proficiency in composition and oral practice according to the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. I expanded my professional vocabulary to efficiently communicate my personal opinion about different subjects discussed in class during the discussion section. I respectfully listened to my classmates to present the point of view during the discussion section which helped me to develop my critical thinking. SPAN 302: History/Phonetics and Structure of Span Lang: This course taught me the importance of phonetics and the morphology of the standard Spanish. Besides I learned about the evolution of Standard Spanish thorough its evolution as a Romance language. Span 303 Adv. Spanish Grammar: In this course I learned how important is to achieve an efficient oral and written (grammatically correct) message in Spanish to communicate with others. Span 305 Spanish for the Professions:This course helped me to improve my professional vocabulary for different areas such as business, education, law, medicine, social work, and other professions. Furthermore, I reinforced my knowledge and practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course was particularly beneficial to me because when I was taking it, I was attending some business courses then I was more confident to understand the concepts in both languages. Spanish 395 Introduction to Translation-Spanish and English: This course clarified me the difference between translation and interpretation. Also, in this course I learned that there different types of translation such as literal, interlineal, equilibrada, idiomática y libre. I also understood the translation theories through readings, class discussions, and other assignments such as the analysis of translated materials which were presented to the class. This class also covered some grammar and how to avoid grammatical mistakes while translating from one language to another one.
These are some examples of the work I completed to fufill MLO2