Olmos: MLO1
MLO 1: Language Proficiency
The student sustains performance in speaking, listening, reading and writing at the Advanced level of language proficiency, as outlined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Along my attendance at CSUMB, I gained a lot of knowledge in my major field. I was able to develop more my speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in all of the Spanish courses I took at CSUMB. I am convinced that these courses will help me with my future career and they will help me to obtain my dream job. The way in which all my classes help me get better in all these skills was that, in all of our classes we had to do presentations, we had to read and analyze such reading, we also had to wring well developed papers in Spanish, and we had to listen to lectures and movies who made it better for us to understand the topics been discussed in class. We had to participate in group activities, which developed all of these aspects. For example in Spanish 301(Spanish Composition & Oral Practice), we did have to practice a lot our communication skills by engaging in conversations of themes related to the class as well as make presentations to use our speaking skills. Also for Spanish 310 (Children’s literature), we practice a lot of speaking skills by making presentations of the reading we were covering, also communicating with peers to get assignments done. In this it included listening to our peers subjections, we had to read our assignments, and we had to develop our righting skills. One of the assignments that demonstrate how I used all these skills was that in Spanish 310 we had to do an animated presentation of a story of our choice. With my group we choose to present of the story El congreso de los sabios más tanto, we had to read the story, write it in a shorter version to be able to make a 10 minute presentation. This activity tested all our skills and my group and I finished it successfully. Also in the Spanish course 426, was a major challenge for my writing skills. We had to analyze a novel and write a 15 page essay. We had to use all of these skills to be successful and I did great because I passed the class with an A. I am sure that the skills I have re-enforced here at CSUMB will stick with me for the rest of my life.
I have included two examples of the assignments I have completed to fulfill this MLO. Here a copy of my final essay for SPAN 426 and the PowerPoint used for my final presentation for SPAN 301 are included. The essay analyses the novel Cronica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The PowerPoint talks about the characteristics of Mexican culture and traditions the tittle of this PowerPoint is Un pedacito de Mexico.
SPAN 426
SPAN 301
The student sustains performance in speaking, listening, reading and writing at the Advanced level of language proficiency, as outlined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Along my attendance at CSUMB, I gained a lot of knowledge in my major field. I was able to develop more my speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in all of the Spanish courses I took at CSUMB. I am convinced that these courses will help me with my future career and they will help me to obtain my dream job. The way in which all my classes help me get better in all these skills was that, in all of our classes we had to do presentations, we had to read and analyze such reading, we also had to wring well developed papers in Spanish, and we had to listen to lectures and movies who made it better for us to understand the topics been discussed in class. We had to participate in group activities, which developed all of these aspects. For example in Spanish 301(Spanish Composition & Oral Practice), we did have to practice a lot our communication skills by engaging in conversations of themes related to the class as well as make presentations to use our speaking skills. Also for Spanish 310 (Children’s literature), we practice a lot of speaking skills by making presentations of the reading we were covering, also communicating with peers to get assignments done. In this it included listening to our peers subjections, we had to read our assignments, and we had to develop our righting skills. One of the assignments that demonstrate how I used all these skills was that in Spanish 310 we had to do an animated presentation of a story of our choice. With my group we choose to present of the story El congreso de los sabios más tanto, we had to read the story, write it in a shorter version to be able to make a 10 minute presentation. This activity tested all our skills and my group and I finished it successfully. Also in the Spanish course 426, was a major challenge for my writing skills. We had to analyze a novel and write a 15 page essay. We had to use all of these skills to be successful and I did great because I passed the class with an A. I am sure that the skills I have re-enforced here at CSUMB will stick with me for the rest of my life.
I have included two examples of the assignments I have completed to fulfill this MLO. Here a copy of my final essay for SPAN 426 and the PowerPoint used for my final presentation for SPAN 301 are included. The essay analyses the novel Cronica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The PowerPoint talks about the characteristics of Mexican culture and traditions the tittle of this PowerPoint is Un pedacito de Mexico.
SPAN 426
SPAN 301