Olmos: Capstone Project
La iglesia católica por muchos años, desde los tiempos de la conquista, han sufrido momentos de tensión con el gobierno mexicano. Las tenciones entre iglesia y estado empezaron a acalorarse a inicios del año 1924 cuando el Plutarco Elías Calles toma posesión de la presidencia de México. En 1926 Calles añade el articulo 130 a la constitución mexicana la cual prohíbe cualquier acto religioso. A causa de estas leyes los religiosos de los estados del norte y centro de México, que están descontentos con estas leyes, deciden levantarse en armas y estalla la Guerra Cristera. Los estragos de los cristeros fueron plasmados por Jorge Gram en Héctor Novela Histórica Cristera. Por medio de esta obra Gram defiende la causa de la guerra y también defiende la licitud de la lucha armada en nombre de Cristo Rey. Gram nos da la oportunidad, tras la historia de Héctor, de aprender y sentir sobre la causa y el sufrimiento por el que pasaron los cristeros. También Gram resalta las características de la Guerra que saco, en todos los cristeros, su amor por Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe, la valentía, y el amor por la su libertad. Héctor es un arma defensora de los derechos Cristeros y de la licitud de la lucha armada.
For many years, since the beginnings of the conquest, the Catholic Church has had conflicts with the Mexican government. The conflicts between the Catholic Church and the government started to become more noticeable at the beginning of 1924, when Plutarco Elías Calles took command of the Mexican presidency. In 1926, Calles added the 130 amendment to the Mexican constitution which prohibited any religious practice in the country. In result the religious people from the northern and central states of México, who were against this laws, decided to take arms and defend their religion and the Cristero War broke out. The struggles of this war were transmitted by Jorge Gram in his novel Hector Novela Historica Cristera. With this novel Jorge Gram’s purpose is to defend the legality of the arm war in name of Cristo Rey. Gram gives us the opportunity, with this novel, to learn and feel of the struggles of the cristeros. Also Gram; enhances the characteristics of the Cristero war, in all the cristeros, which are their love for Cristo Rey and the Virgen of Guadalupe, their bravery, and their love for their freedom. Hector reference for defense of the Cristero’s rights and the legality of the arm war.
Here you can find a copy of my reasearch paper as well as the PowerPoint I used for my capstone presentation.
For many years, since the beginnings of the conquest, the Catholic Church has had conflicts with the Mexican government. The conflicts between the Catholic Church and the government started to become more noticeable at the beginning of 1924, when Plutarco Elías Calles took command of the Mexican presidency. In 1926, Calles added the 130 amendment to the Mexican constitution which prohibited any religious practice in the country. In result the religious people from the northern and central states of México, who were against this laws, decided to take arms and defend their religion and the Cristero War broke out. The struggles of this war were transmitted by Jorge Gram in his novel Hector Novela Historica Cristera. With this novel Jorge Gram’s purpose is to defend the legality of the arm war in name of Cristo Rey. Gram gives us the opportunity, with this novel, to learn and feel of the struggles of the cristeros. Also Gram; enhances the characteristics of the Cristero war, in all the cristeros, which are their love for Cristo Rey and the Virgen of Guadalupe, their bravery, and their love for their freedom. Hector reference for defense of the Cristero’s rights and the legality of the arm war.
Here you can find a copy of my reasearch paper as well as the PowerPoint I used for my capstone presentation.