Martinez: MLO5
MLO 5: Cultural Praxis
To fulfill the MLO 5 Culture Praxis I have to say that I practice the language every day in my daily life. All my life I had been interacting with Spanish people and Spanish culture. The first reason is because I was born in Leon Guanajuato Mexico and in my hometown everyone speaks Spanish because that is the official language. I was enrolled in Mexico school from age six to age fifteen. All my classes were in Spanish, I learned how to talk and write in the country where I was born. It was during 2005 that my family immigrated to the United States, where of course most of the people speak English because it is a necessity and we need it in order to communicate and get better opportunities. English is my second language and even that I speak English most of the time at work and with my bothers I always speak Spanish took and keep my Spanish culture alive.
For example, at my house we eat traditional Mexican food such beans, rice, chicken and mole. Even if we live in a new culture we interact with other people but we keep the same traditions as when we were in Mexico. Both of my parents speak Spanish because they don’t know English and that is the main reason I always speak Spanish at my house. That is the main reason I try not to speak English in front of my parents. I feel more confident speaking my primary language that is Spanish. It is easier for me to talk in my language because I had been practicing it since I was a child.
Also I live in a community where most of the people speaks Spanish. I live in Salinas and almost all the population in there comes from Latin or Mexican families. In the supermarkets and business around the area everyone speaks Spanish. In my community we celebrate special occasion as in Mexico such, the mother day ( el dia de las madres) , the death day ( dia de los muertos), May five ( el cinco de mayo) and the independence day setptember 16 ( dia de la independencia). Because I live in a city where most of the populations are outside immigrants I been able to practice Spanish in my daily life. I also have the opportunity to interact with people from my same culture and different cultures but also they speak Spanish.
Also I did my Service Learning with United Farm Workers (UFW) and in there everyone spoke Spanish. I had the opportunity to practice my language with worker from the strawberry fields coming from different communities of Mexico. I spoke with people from Oaxaca and ask them about their life experience as labor workers. It was interesting because they talk to me as a friend and most of them were nice people. Most of the people in the UFW organization were from Mexican roots and most of their families had have work in the agriculture field.
I had the opportunity to interact with a lot of people, work together and also eat the traditional food. I remember that most of the day that I was there we ate together as a group. We ordered a big portion of food such beans, rice chicken which is the traditional Mexican food.
As I already knew I had to do my service learning in a community where most of the population comes from my cultural roots. Living in a small city where everyone speaks Spanish and doing my service learning with a farm workers organization helped me to fulfill the MLO 5 successful.
Sample 1 : Journals, Service Lerning (SL)
Sample 2: Porwerpoint, Service Lerning (SL)
To fulfill the MLO 5 Culture Praxis I have to say that I practice the language every day in my daily life. All my life I had been interacting with Spanish people and Spanish culture. The first reason is because I was born in Leon Guanajuato Mexico and in my hometown everyone speaks Spanish because that is the official language. I was enrolled in Mexico school from age six to age fifteen. All my classes were in Spanish, I learned how to talk and write in the country where I was born. It was during 2005 that my family immigrated to the United States, where of course most of the people speak English because it is a necessity and we need it in order to communicate and get better opportunities. English is my second language and even that I speak English most of the time at work and with my bothers I always speak Spanish took and keep my Spanish culture alive.
For example, at my house we eat traditional Mexican food such beans, rice, chicken and mole. Even if we live in a new culture we interact with other people but we keep the same traditions as when we were in Mexico. Both of my parents speak Spanish because they don’t know English and that is the main reason I always speak Spanish at my house. That is the main reason I try not to speak English in front of my parents. I feel more confident speaking my primary language that is Spanish. It is easier for me to talk in my language because I had been practicing it since I was a child.
Also I live in a community where most of the people speaks Spanish. I live in Salinas and almost all the population in there comes from Latin or Mexican families. In the supermarkets and business around the area everyone speaks Spanish. In my community we celebrate special occasion as in Mexico such, the mother day ( el dia de las madres) , the death day ( dia de los muertos), May five ( el cinco de mayo) and the independence day setptember 16 ( dia de la independencia). Because I live in a city where most of the populations are outside immigrants I been able to practice Spanish in my daily life. I also have the opportunity to interact with people from my same culture and different cultures but also they speak Spanish.
Also I did my Service Learning with United Farm Workers (UFW) and in there everyone spoke Spanish. I had the opportunity to practice my language with worker from the strawberry fields coming from different communities of Mexico. I spoke with people from Oaxaca and ask them about their life experience as labor workers. It was interesting because they talk to me as a friend and most of them were nice people. Most of the people in the UFW organization were from Mexican roots and most of their families had have work in the agriculture field.
I had the opportunity to interact with a lot of people, work together and also eat the traditional food. I remember that most of the day that I was there we ate together as a group. We ordered a big portion of food such beans, rice chicken which is the traditional Mexican food.
As I already knew I had to do my service learning in a community where most of the population comes from my cultural roots. Living in a small city where everyone speaks Spanish and doing my service learning with a farm workers organization helped me to fulfill the MLO 5 successful.
Sample 1 : Journals, Service Lerning (SL)
Sample 2: Porwerpoint, Service Lerning (SL)