Martinez: MLO3
MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
As Spanish is my major with emphasis in literature and culture I been speaking Spanish through my entire life, but also I had studied Spanish at different institutions. During my education at Cal Monterey Bay I took various courses to improve my literature and culture knowledge. Some of the classes I took were Spanish 304 which is Introduction to Spanish Literature. In this class I developed my comprehension level by reading novels from Spain, movements and famous authors. At the beginning this class was a challenge because I dint know a lot about movements such the romanticism and modernism. I had to spend time reading the textbooks and novels to learn about different authors from the movements in order to understand each one. Some of the novel I read were La Celestina, Don Juan Tenorio, El Burlador de Sevilla, El Conde Lucanor, Don Quixote de la Mancha, El Libro de Buen Amor and different movements such the romanticism and the modernism. After I completed this course I understood the importance of these novels and the reason because they become famous. In this class I wrote essays and paper reflections.
I also took Spanish 310, Child Literature; this class was very interesting because I read a lot of books, made PowerPoint presentations, narratives, videos, and summaries from books. In Spanish 310 child literature I was able to read the following books: Me llamo Maria Isabel, Cuentos Ecologicos, El Son de Africa, Anacaona, Saguairu, Los cazadores Invisibles and Un lazo a la Luna. These books were very interesting tales for infants. In this class I was able to develop activities for students at different levels in an elementary school. I also had the opportunity to work with my classmates and interact with them working in group projects. In this class I narrate my own story about two books the centos ecologicos and El Son de África. I did two presentations on Prezi and create a video with my own voice and music to narrate a chapter from the book Cuentos Ecologicos. I wrote a effective narrativepoem base on EL Son de Africa whole book. Other class was Spanish 330 course online where I have to read books and writing from Latin-American author and completed forums and activities on ilearn. In this class I read a lot of pieces and completed assignments every week. At the beginning it was complicate because being working, having classes at school and online was hard. Every week we had to cover a lot of information. I did well in this class especially in my quizzes and final exam. In Spanish 306 class was focused on culture and civilizations about the Latin American countries. The most interesting was to study about the past civilizations from Mexico and from Peru such the Aztecs, Mayas, and the Incas. For me it was the most interesting because I learned about our ancestors, religion, culture, customs, system and the way they live. I became engage with the Incas because for me they were really smart and have a lot to study about. I also enjoyed this civilization because I identified myself with them as they were hard worker in the agriculture field. I also took Spanish 321 about master pieces of literature from Spain. this class was also very interesting because i learned about Spain culture and history. In this course i did powerpoint presentations, essay and took exams.
Other class that was interesting is HCom 329 Autobiographies, in this class I learned about Hispanic or Latino immigrants from different countries to the United States and the obstacles they had in their lives. I also made a video where o was able to prove that o understood the course and create my own video narrating my story and the way I emigrated from Mexico to the United States. To improve my cultural knowledge I took courses about culture where I learned about Latin-American countries such their culture, beliefs, customs and language. Other interesting course was Hcom 344- Chicano/Latino literature about culture from different countries but also about the different movements with emphasis in the feminist movement. From this course I learn about women and the battles where they were involve for better rights and the obtained the right to vote.
Taking these classes I developed a reasonable understanding of ideas, beliefs attitudes and values from different and applied it on research, essays and class presentations. It was interesting to learn about the important pieces of literature but also about the culture and how we keep it alive in our society. With these curses I was able to fulfill the MLO 3 Literary and Cultural Knowledge.
The following papers are work pieces that I clompleted in the courses above.
Sample 1: El Burlador De Sevilla Essay and El Burlador de Sevilla Powerpoint, SPAN 304
Sample 2: El Son de Africa Narration Poem by Maria G. Martinez, Quiz B, Midterm, SPAN 310
Sample 3: PowerPoint- The Incas, Essay - La hora de los Dioses, SPAN 306
Sample 4: Final Exam, Midterm, SPAN 330
Sample 5: Exam 1, SPAN 321
Sample 6: Final Reflection, HCOM 329
Sample 7: Gender Essay, HCOM 344
As Spanish is my major with emphasis in literature and culture I been speaking Spanish through my entire life, but also I had studied Spanish at different institutions. During my education at Cal Monterey Bay I took various courses to improve my literature and culture knowledge. Some of the classes I took were Spanish 304 which is Introduction to Spanish Literature. In this class I developed my comprehension level by reading novels from Spain, movements and famous authors. At the beginning this class was a challenge because I dint know a lot about movements such the romanticism and modernism. I had to spend time reading the textbooks and novels to learn about different authors from the movements in order to understand each one. Some of the novel I read were La Celestina, Don Juan Tenorio, El Burlador de Sevilla, El Conde Lucanor, Don Quixote de la Mancha, El Libro de Buen Amor and different movements such the romanticism and the modernism. After I completed this course I understood the importance of these novels and the reason because they become famous. In this class I wrote essays and paper reflections.
I also took Spanish 310, Child Literature; this class was very interesting because I read a lot of books, made PowerPoint presentations, narratives, videos, and summaries from books. In Spanish 310 child literature I was able to read the following books: Me llamo Maria Isabel, Cuentos Ecologicos, El Son de Africa, Anacaona, Saguairu, Los cazadores Invisibles and Un lazo a la Luna. These books were very interesting tales for infants. In this class I was able to develop activities for students at different levels in an elementary school. I also had the opportunity to work with my classmates and interact with them working in group projects. In this class I narrate my own story about two books the centos ecologicos and El Son de África. I did two presentations on Prezi and create a video with my own voice and music to narrate a chapter from the book Cuentos Ecologicos. I wrote a effective narrativepoem base on EL Son de Africa whole book. Other class was Spanish 330 course online where I have to read books and writing from Latin-American author and completed forums and activities on ilearn. In this class I read a lot of pieces and completed assignments every week. At the beginning it was complicate because being working, having classes at school and online was hard. Every week we had to cover a lot of information. I did well in this class especially in my quizzes and final exam. In Spanish 306 class was focused on culture and civilizations about the Latin American countries. The most interesting was to study about the past civilizations from Mexico and from Peru such the Aztecs, Mayas, and the Incas. For me it was the most interesting because I learned about our ancestors, religion, culture, customs, system and the way they live. I became engage with the Incas because for me they were really smart and have a lot to study about. I also enjoyed this civilization because I identified myself with them as they were hard worker in the agriculture field. I also took Spanish 321 about master pieces of literature from Spain. this class was also very interesting because i learned about Spain culture and history. In this course i did powerpoint presentations, essay and took exams.
Other class that was interesting is HCom 329 Autobiographies, in this class I learned about Hispanic or Latino immigrants from different countries to the United States and the obstacles they had in their lives. I also made a video where o was able to prove that o understood the course and create my own video narrating my story and the way I emigrated from Mexico to the United States. To improve my cultural knowledge I took courses about culture where I learned about Latin-American countries such their culture, beliefs, customs and language. Other interesting course was Hcom 344- Chicano/Latino literature about culture from different countries but also about the different movements with emphasis in the feminist movement. From this course I learn about women and the battles where they were involve for better rights and the obtained the right to vote.
Taking these classes I developed a reasonable understanding of ideas, beliefs attitudes and values from different and applied it on research, essays and class presentations. It was interesting to learn about the important pieces of literature but also about the culture and how we keep it alive in our society. With these curses I was able to fulfill the MLO 3 Literary and Cultural Knowledge.
The following papers are work pieces that I clompleted in the courses above.
Sample 1: El Burlador De Sevilla Essay and El Burlador de Sevilla Powerpoint, SPAN 304
Sample 2: El Son de Africa Narration Poem by Maria G. Martinez, Quiz B, Midterm, SPAN 310
Sample 3: PowerPoint- The Incas, Essay - La hora de los Dioses, SPAN 306
Sample 4: Final Exam, Midterm, SPAN 330
Sample 5: Exam 1, SPAN 321
Sample 6: Final Reflection, HCOM 329
Sample 7: Gender Essay, HCOM 344