Lomeli: MLO3
MLO 3: Literacy and cultural Knowledge
Span 304 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Emphasis: Literature and Culture
Span 365 The Chicano Novel
Span 425 La Literatura Mexicana
In order to complete this MLO I enrolled in Span 304 Introduction to Hispanic Literature with Dr. Ovidio.
Lectured in Spanish the course introduces the principles of literature analysis, based on reading and discussion of Hispanic literature that includes fiction, drama, essay, and poetry from Spain and Spanish America. One of the requirements of the MLO is to understand the ideas, beliefs, attitudes, philosophies and values of a culture. Literature is like a “window” the ways of living of a culture that allows expressing the taboo topics of the same one. For example one of my work “La representacion de la mujer en las Jarchas” is a shrot analysis that expresses the influence of the Arab culture in contrast with the Christian culture during century XI. During this class I developed a deep interest on the role of woman in literature on how it has evolved.
Emphasis on Literature
My desire for learning about the role of woman in Literature inspires the emphasis on Literature.
To fulfill the emphasis on Literature I enrolled in Span 425 La Literatura Mexicana with Dr. Urioste. Lectured in Spanish, the class was a tour from its indigenous and Hispanic origins to its more contemporary expressions. The class examines and discusses representative authors from all literary periods.
To continue my journey on Literature emphasis I enrolled in Span 365 The Chicano Novel with Dr. Urioste. Literature was my emphasis because it reveals the belief system, values and philosophies of my culture, Mexican and Chicano culture. Through the classes reading material I found a profound sense of connection to my roots. Some of the readings were like stories I had heard before from grandparents, parents or even my own stories where written in a book. The fact that someone else had lived the same experience and it was recorder as part of literature provoked a desire to acquire knowledge of my own culture. Taking all the literature class has enlighten me personality and also has broaden my understanding of the people in general specially the core values, ideas and philosophies found on Mexican and Chicano Culture. As I understand my history I embrace the future with more expectation and less fear.
Span 304 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Emphasis: Literature and Culture
Span 365 The Chicano Novel
Span 425 La Literatura Mexicana
In order to complete this MLO I enrolled in Span 304 Introduction to Hispanic Literature with Dr. Ovidio.
Lectured in Spanish the course introduces the principles of literature analysis, based on reading and discussion of Hispanic literature that includes fiction, drama, essay, and poetry from Spain and Spanish America. One of the requirements of the MLO is to understand the ideas, beliefs, attitudes, philosophies and values of a culture. Literature is like a “window” the ways of living of a culture that allows expressing the taboo topics of the same one. For example one of my work “La representacion de la mujer en las Jarchas” is a shrot analysis that expresses the influence of the Arab culture in contrast with the Christian culture during century XI. During this class I developed a deep interest on the role of woman in literature on how it has evolved.
Emphasis on Literature
My desire for learning about the role of woman in Literature inspires the emphasis on Literature.
To fulfill the emphasis on Literature I enrolled in Span 425 La Literatura Mexicana with Dr. Urioste. Lectured in Spanish, the class was a tour from its indigenous and Hispanic origins to its more contemporary expressions. The class examines and discusses representative authors from all literary periods.
To continue my journey on Literature emphasis I enrolled in Span 365 The Chicano Novel with Dr. Urioste. Literature was my emphasis because it reveals the belief system, values and philosophies of my culture, Mexican and Chicano culture. Through the classes reading material I found a profound sense of connection to my roots. Some of the readings were like stories I had heard before from grandparents, parents or even my own stories where written in a book. The fact that someone else had lived the same experience and it was recorder as part of literature provoked a desire to acquire knowledge of my own culture. Taking all the literature class has enlighten me personality and also has broaden my understanding of the people in general specially the core values, ideas and philosophies found on Mexican and Chicano Culture. As I understand my history I embrace the future with more expectation and less fear.