Lomeli: MLO1
MLO 1: Language Proficiency
Span 302 History and Phonetic Structure Spanish Language, Span 304 Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Span 321 Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature, and Span 395 Special topic: Spanish Linguistics Span 425 La Literatura Mexicana and 301S Composition/Oral Practice Service Learning
In order to fulfill the MLO requirements I completed all the above courses, lecture was in Spanish as well as the reading material and writing assignments. Even though I am a Spanish native speaker through these classes I learned grammar and its origins. Learning about the phonetics Span 302 took us back to the history and the structure of modern Castillian and Latin America Spanish which has been influenced by Romance language, the Roman period, Visigoth and Arab. As I learn the phonetics and morphology of the Latin American Spanish my idea of “right” or “wrong” Spanish pronunciation changed, now I understand that language has evolution since the beginning to meet the needs of the speakers. Reading and analyzing material from different period times proves that Spanish will continue to change and adapt to the new globalization era. As I grew up in Mexico my writing material shows a strong influence by Latin American Spanish. Before taking these classes my grammar was low intermediate level, through the completion of these classes I have a better understanding of the Spanish Language, its origins and grammar. My level of proficiency improved significantly to a more academic Spanish. Reading and analyzing Literature material for classes: Span 304, 321 and 425 exposed me to broader vocabulary; reading from different periods of times shows how the language has adapted to the needs of the speakers. It also reflects how different periods of times and cultures have influence Spanish. Now I have the ability to speak, read and write academic Spanish. As a second English Learner I focused in learning English I forgot Spanish grammar and its importance. Learning about phonetics and grammar once again gave, made me proud of the Spanish Language and I have a better appreciation of my language and culture as well.
Span 302 History and Phonetic Structure Spanish Language, Span 304 Introduction to Hispanic Literature, Span 321 Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature, and Span 395 Special topic: Spanish Linguistics Span 425 La Literatura Mexicana and 301S Composition/Oral Practice Service Learning
In order to fulfill the MLO requirements I completed all the above courses, lecture was in Spanish as well as the reading material and writing assignments. Even though I am a Spanish native speaker through these classes I learned grammar and its origins. Learning about the phonetics Span 302 took us back to the history and the structure of modern Castillian and Latin America Spanish which has been influenced by Romance language, the Roman period, Visigoth and Arab. As I learn the phonetics and morphology of the Latin American Spanish my idea of “right” or “wrong” Spanish pronunciation changed, now I understand that language has evolution since the beginning to meet the needs of the speakers. Reading and analyzing material from different period times proves that Spanish will continue to change and adapt to the new globalization era. As I grew up in Mexico my writing material shows a strong influence by Latin American Spanish. Before taking these classes my grammar was low intermediate level, through the completion of these classes I have a better understanding of the Spanish Language, its origins and grammar. My level of proficiency improved significantly to a more academic Spanish. Reading and analyzing Literature material for classes: Span 304, 321 and 425 exposed me to broader vocabulary; reading from different periods of times shows how the language has adapted to the needs of the speakers. It also reflects how different periods of times and cultures have influence Spanish. Now I have the ability to speak, read and write academic Spanish. As a second English Learner I focused in learning English I forgot Spanish grammar and its importance. Learning about phonetics and grammar once again gave, made me proud of the Spanish Language and I have a better appreciation of my language and culture as well.