Hoyland: Service Learning
Service Learning
In Fall of 2011 I completed SPAN 301S, the Upper Division Service Learning course for Spanish majors. During
this course I completed more than 30 hours of service with a local non-profit organization. The journals I
completed for this course are linked below along with the PowerPoint presentation I created to describe my
experience at the end of the semester.
Service Learning Journals (Written in Spanish)
Final Powerpoint Presentation
In Fall of 2011 I completed SPAN 301S, the Upper Division Service Learning course for Spanish majors. During
this course I completed more than 30 hours of service with a local non-profit organization. The journals I
completed for this course are linked below along with the PowerPoint presentation I created to describe my
experience at the end of the semester.
Service Learning Journals (Written in Spanish)
Final Powerpoint Presentation