Hoyland: MLO2
MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
The student develops an understanding of the structure of the Spanish language and is able to use an
appropriate level of formality according to the situation, whether in writing or in speech.
The student completes between two and six courses (depending on his or her choice of emphasis, as
either language and linguistics knowledge or literary and cultural knowledge) related to the Spanish
language and linguistics. These courses deal with: the sound system of Spanish, the history of Spanish,
advanced grammar, Spanish-English translation, a general introduction to Spanish linguistics, Spanish for
professional application (medical, legal, etc. spheres), composition and conversation.
MLO 2 Reflection
I chose to complete the Spanish major with the Language and Linguistics emphasis. I fulfilled the requirement
with six courses during my two years at CSUMB. I began with Introduction to Spanish Linguistics with Dr. Earl
Brown in the spring of 2012 and found the course incredibly interesting. I appreciated the insight it provided into
pronunciation of the language and how I could work on perfecting a native sounding accent. I enjoyed the
introductions to language transcription and the ideas of the large variances between dialects of the same
languages. I continued to obtain a deeper understanding of Linguistics through the Spanish Phonetics and Native
Language/Language Acquisition classes I took this semester. The Spanish Phonetics class spent the entire
semester working on transcription and the minute details of the Spanish language while the Linguistics 392
course gave me an understanding of the study of linguistics of the English language. I appreciated the overlap
between these three courses and feel that I have developed a strong understanding of the ideas and how they
apply to my use of both languages in my everyday life as well as have improved my understanding and abilities
in both languages.
I also completed three courses focusing on composition, grammar, and professional use. These courses gave
me a deeper understanding of the differences between English and Spanish grammar and styles. They helped to
solidify my basic understanding of Spanish, as well as actually improve my knowledge of English grammar at the
same time. The themes and ideas taught to me in these courses gave me the skills necessary to complete
essays of significant length in my second language as well as made writing my Capstone paper possible.
Because this MLO applies to the emphasis that I chose for myself, I found it the most interesting, thought
provoking, and fulfilling to complete. I thoroughly enjoyed learning Linguistics and how it applies to my language
usage as well as appreciate the emphasis it gave on developing my language skills. For the future, I hope to
continue learning the intricate details of the Spanish language and perfect the more advanced grammar rules.
While Linguistics does not specifically apply to the law career I hope to have, I know that it will continue to play a
large role in my use of Spanish and continued learning. I have provided examples below of work I completed in
several courses that apply to MLO 2 and show my overall understanding of the goals and expectations of the MLO.
Classes Taken for the MLO:
SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice
SPAN 302: Hist/Phonetic Struct Span Lang
SPAN 303: Adv Span Grammar
SPAN 305: Spanish for the Professions
SPAN 313: Intro to Spanish Linguistics
LING 392: Nat Language/Lang Acquisition
Project Samples:
SPAN 301 Composition Final Essay
SPAN 302 Tutoring Presentation
SPAN 305 Peru Presentation
SPAN 313 Linguistics Essay
LING 392 Final Language Consultant Paper
The student develops an understanding of the structure of the Spanish language and is able to use an
appropriate level of formality according to the situation, whether in writing or in speech.
The student completes between two and six courses (depending on his or her choice of emphasis, as
either language and linguistics knowledge or literary and cultural knowledge) related to the Spanish
language and linguistics. These courses deal with: the sound system of Spanish, the history of Spanish,
advanced grammar, Spanish-English translation, a general introduction to Spanish linguistics, Spanish for
professional application (medical, legal, etc. spheres), composition and conversation.
MLO 2 Reflection
I chose to complete the Spanish major with the Language and Linguistics emphasis. I fulfilled the requirement
with six courses during my two years at CSUMB. I began with Introduction to Spanish Linguistics with Dr. Earl
Brown in the spring of 2012 and found the course incredibly interesting. I appreciated the insight it provided into
pronunciation of the language and how I could work on perfecting a native sounding accent. I enjoyed the
introductions to language transcription and the ideas of the large variances between dialects of the same
languages. I continued to obtain a deeper understanding of Linguistics through the Spanish Phonetics and Native
Language/Language Acquisition classes I took this semester. The Spanish Phonetics class spent the entire
semester working on transcription and the minute details of the Spanish language while the Linguistics 392
course gave me an understanding of the study of linguistics of the English language. I appreciated the overlap
between these three courses and feel that I have developed a strong understanding of the ideas and how they
apply to my use of both languages in my everyday life as well as have improved my understanding and abilities
in both languages.
I also completed three courses focusing on composition, grammar, and professional use. These courses gave
me a deeper understanding of the differences between English and Spanish grammar and styles. They helped to
solidify my basic understanding of Spanish, as well as actually improve my knowledge of English grammar at the
same time. The themes and ideas taught to me in these courses gave me the skills necessary to complete
essays of significant length in my second language as well as made writing my Capstone paper possible.
Because this MLO applies to the emphasis that I chose for myself, I found it the most interesting, thought
provoking, and fulfilling to complete. I thoroughly enjoyed learning Linguistics and how it applies to my language
usage as well as appreciate the emphasis it gave on developing my language skills. For the future, I hope to
continue learning the intricate details of the Spanish language and perfect the more advanced grammar rules.
While Linguistics does not specifically apply to the law career I hope to have, I know that it will continue to play a
large role in my use of Spanish and continued learning. I have provided examples below of work I completed in
several courses that apply to MLO 2 and show my overall understanding of the goals and expectations of the MLO.
Classes Taken for the MLO:
SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice
SPAN 302: Hist/Phonetic Struct Span Lang
SPAN 303: Adv Span Grammar
SPAN 305: Spanish for the Professions
SPAN 313: Intro to Spanish Linguistics
LING 392: Nat Language/Lang Acquisition
Project Samples:
SPAN 301 Composition Final Essay
SPAN 302 Tutoring Presentation
SPAN 305 Peru Presentation
SPAN 313 Linguistics Essay
LING 392 Final Language Consultant Paper