Grover: MLO6
Major Learning Outcome #6- Information Technology Literacy
Information technology has been a part of my life since I was a young boy. My family has always had multiple
computers and many types of useful software. My father works in the marketing industry and always had the
latest versions of Adobe products and of course, Microsoft office. In addition to this, a hobby of mine has always
been to make movies. I usually use iMovie because its simple and straight forward, but am also literate in other
movie making programs.
My coursework in Spain and at CSUMB has solidified my skills in information technology. I am a double major; I
completed a bachelor's degree in Business Administration as well. Through this major I became very comfortable
with Excel, VBA, and Powerpoint. In the Spanish major, I utilized Microsoft word and powerpoint for just about
every course.
This course, WLC 400, has presented me with a new opportunity to become accustomed to information
technology. I had never created an ePortfolio before. I now understand its usefulness and ability to effectively
demonstrate learning outcomes. This ePortfolio was made with ilearn pilot which is very user friendly, yet very
powerful as a tool.
Information technology has been a part of my life since I was a young boy. My family has always had multiple
computers and many types of useful software. My father works in the marketing industry and always had the
latest versions of Adobe products and of course, Microsoft office. In addition to this, a hobby of mine has always
been to make movies. I usually use iMovie because its simple and straight forward, but am also literate in other
movie making programs.
My coursework in Spain and at CSUMB has solidified my skills in information technology. I am a double major; I
completed a bachelor's degree in Business Administration as well. Through this major I became very comfortable
with Excel, VBA, and Powerpoint. In the Spanish major, I utilized Microsoft word and powerpoint for just about
every course.
This course, WLC 400, has presented me with a new opportunity to become accustomed to information
technology. I had never created an ePortfolio before. I now understand its usefulness and ability to effectively
demonstrate learning outcomes. This ePortfolio was made with ilearn pilot which is very user friendly, yet very
powerful as a tool.