Flores: MLO5
Cultural Praxis
This MLO requires the student to actively immerse in the Hispanic culture. I met this requirement by living for
fifteen years in Mexico. While I was living there I had the opportunity to attend to school and learn: advance
vocabulary, grammar, and the Mexican history in depth. This specific path is the combinations of all the three
pathways that fulfill this requirement. The first pathway requires the student to participate in a study abroad
program in a Spanish speaking country for at least one semester. Like I mentioned before my experience living
for fifteen years in Mexico gave me the experience that I need to fully understand the Hispanic culture. In Mexico
I had the opportunity to actively participate in the student government group as well as in some sports and also
by performing for two years plays at school. I also developed a deep understanding on specific cultural and
historic events such as The Day of the Death, the Mexican Independence, the Mexican Revolution, and El cinco
de Mayo. I learned a lot about specific key concepts that define Mexican culture. For example, I have a in-depth
understanding on what is a leyenda (legend) and I can name and narrate a few, I know the meaning of mal de ojo
(the evil eye), curandera (the healer woman), la llorona (the weeping woman) etc. However the interaction in
school with friends and outside school with relatives in Mexico helped me to reinforce my identity as Mexican. I
shared my opinion with them about Mexican and Latin-American politics, contemporary issues about literature
and films produced in Mexico and Latin-America. Regarding my speaking ability during the years I spend in
Mexico I was able to master the language. My Spanish could be categorized according to the American Council
on the teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) as advance high. Ultimately, what I learned and all my
experiences in the Spanish community had helped me to understand the Mexican culture and to achieve a
proficient level of understanding toward its literature, traditions and community.
Sample 1: Transcrip
Cultural Praxis
This MLO requires the student to actively immerse in the Hispanic culture. I met this requirement by living for
fifteen years in Mexico. While I was living there I had the opportunity to attend to school and learn: advance
vocabulary, grammar, and the Mexican history in depth. This specific path is the combinations of all the three
pathways that fulfill this requirement. The first pathway requires the student to participate in a study abroad
program in a Spanish speaking country for at least one semester. Like I mentioned before my experience living
for fifteen years in Mexico gave me the experience that I need to fully understand the Hispanic culture. In Mexico
I had the opportunity to actively participate in the student government group as well as in some sports and also
by performing for two years plays at school. I also developed a deep understanding on specific cultural and
historic events such as The Day of the Death, the Mexican Independence, the Mexican Revolution, and El cinco
de Mayo. I learned a lot about specific key concepts that define Mexican culture. For example, I have a in-depth
understanding on what is a leyenda (legend) and I can name and narrate a few, I know the meaning of mal de ojo
(the evil eye), curandera (the healer woman), la llorona (the weeping woman) etc. However the interaction in
school with friends and outside school with relatives in Mexico helped me to reinforce my identity as Mexican. I
shared my opinion with them about Mexican and Latin-American politics, contemporary issues about literature
and films produced in Mexico and Latin-America. Regarding my speaking ability during the years I spend in
Mexico I was able to master the language. My Spanish could be categorized according to the American Council
on the teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) as advance high. Ultimately, what I learned and all my
experiences in the Spanish community had helped me to understand the Mexican culture and to achieve a
proficient level of understanding toward its literature, traditions and community.
Sample 1: Transcrip