Flores: MLO3
MLO 3: Literary and cultural knowledge
The following classes fulfill MLO 3: SPAN 301, SPAN301s, SPAN 304, SPAN, SPAN 310, SPAN 321, SPAN 425
Through Spanish 308: History and culture of Aztlán, southwest U.S. I learned a little be about the history of
Mexico as well as the history of California and the southwest. Even though the class was taught in English the
teacher made us find the meaning of several words or phrases that doesn’t exist in English, but they are
important in the Mexican history traditions and beliefs; such as the meaning of curandera, who is La Llorona, la
virgen de Guadalupe, Tonantzin etc. This class also was about the influence of immigration on the united stated
during the Bracero period. I learned a lot about Mexican and U.S. history from 1942 to the present day. However,
when I took SPAN 310: Hispanic Children’s literature, I learned that the communication with kids is more
complex than the communication with an adult. I learned how to explain concepts and ideas depending on the
children’s age. I developed my ability to understand the ways of thinking depending on the age and social
background of the kids. After had taken this class I can choose and explain readings according the age of the
kids and the ideas I want to explain. Through SPAN 321: Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature I learned to
distinguish literature depending on the period they were written. I also learned all the different styles and
techniques the writers used to make their writings unique or different from the previous movement. SPAN 304
Intro to Hispanic literature, helped me to understand the origins of literature. That class also taught me the
history of Spain and how the Spanish language came into existence. A challenge that I faced in this class was
the fact that I did not know much about Spain and since the class schedule was tight, the teacher did not have
much time to explain or review the content. However, I would like to keep learning more about Spanish and Latin-
American literature. Next semester however, I will take SPAN 306: Culture and civilization of Spanish Latin
America. I hope this class will teach me cultural knowledge on regions other than Mexico and Spain.
Here are some examples that show how I met this MLO
Sample 1: SPAN 308 Essay
Sample 2: SPAN 425 Exam
The following classes fulfill MLO 3: SPAN 301, SPAN301s, SPAN 304, SPAN, SPAN 310, SPAN 321, SPAN 425
Through Spanish 308: History and culture of Aztlán, southwest U.S. I learned a little be about the history of
Mexico as well as the history of California and the southwest. Even though the class was taught in English the
teacher made us find the meaning of several words or phrases that doesn’t exist in English, but they are
important in the Mexican history traditions and beliefs; such as the meaning of curandera, who is La Llorona, la
virgen de Guadalupe, Tonantzin etc. This class also was about the influence of immigration on the united stated
during the Bracero period. I learned a lot about Mexican and U.S. history from 1942 to the present day. However,
when I took SPAN 310: Hispanic Children’s literature, I learned that the communication with kids is more
complex than the communication with an adult. I learned how to explain concepts and ideas depending on the
children’s age. I developed my ability to understand the ways of thinking depending on the age and social
background of the kids. After had taken this class I can choose and explain readings according the age of the
kids and the ideas I want to explain. Through SPAN 321: Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature I learned to
distinguish literature depending on the period they were written. I also learned all the different styles and
techniques the writers used to make their writings unique or different from the previous movement. SPAN 304
Intro to Hispanic literature, helped me to understand the origins of literature. That class also taught me the
history of Spain and how the Spanish language came into existence. A challenge that I faced in this class was
the fact that I did not know much about Spain and since the class schedule was tight, the teacher did not have
much time to explain or review the content. However, I would like to keep learning more about Spanish and Latin-
American literature. Next semester however, I will take SPAN 306: Culture and civilization of Spanish Latin
America. I hope this class will teach me cultural knowledge on regions other than Mexico and Spain.
Here are some examples that show how I met this MLO
Sample 1: SPAN 308 Essay
Sample 2: SPAN 425 Exam