Flores: MLO2
MLO 2: Language and linguistic knowledge
This MLO helps native and non-native spanish speakers students learn better the concepts of the target
language. For this specific outcome I took SPAN 313 or Intro to Spanish Linguistics. The class was taught in
Spanish which helped me to practice my vocabulary, my reading and writing. In class we learned how to find the
meaning of the word by learning the meaning of the prefixes and affixes. I also learned all the differences of the
Spanish dialects in Latin-American and Spain. The most helpful and interesting part of the class was when I
learned the types of sounds that we make while we speak. The air is also important because while we speak we
release air either through the mouth or the nose. I learned that the structure of the Spanish language is more
complex than what I thought, but thanks to this class now I can explain better to people who are learning Spanish
the structure of Spanish and how they have to pronounce the words to sound native. Through phonetics I
learned the difference between Spanish and English and why sometimes people can’t pronounce some words in
other languages. I could say that even Spanish linguistic can help people who want to learn other language to
improve their pronunciation. This class can be challenging, but from my point of view it was one of the most
helpful and interesting classes that I took over my upper division learning experience. After completing my
degree maybe I would get my master degree in linguistics so I can keep improving in this area. Next semester
I’m planning to take SPAN 305 or Spanish for the professions. This class will help me to improve my
vocabulary. It is supposed to teach the students how to write and behave in specifics situations such as in job interviews.
Sample 1: SPAN 313 Español Puertorriqueño
Sample 2: SPAN 313 Homework
This MLO helps native and non-native spanish speakers students learn better the concepts of the target
language. For this specific outcome I took SPAN 313 or Intro to Spanish Linguistics. The class was taught in
Spanish which helped me to practice my vocabulary, my reading and writing. In class we learned how to find the
meaning of the word by learning the meaning of the prefixes and affixes. I also learned all the differences of the
Spanish dialects in Latin-American and Spain. The most helpful and interesting part of the class was when I
learned the types of sounds that we make while we speak. The air is also important because while we speak we
release air either through the mouth or the nose. I learned that the structure of the Spanish language is more
complex than what I thought, but thanks to this class now I can explain better to people who are learning Spanish
the structure of Spanish and how they have to pronounce the words to sound native. Through phonetics I
learned the difference between Spanish and English and why sometimes people can’t pronounce some words in
other languages. I could say that even Spanish linguistic can help people who want to learn other language to
improve their pronunciation. This class can be challenging, but from my point of view it was one of the most
helpful and interesting classes that I took over my upper division learning experience. After completing my
degree maybe I would get my master degree in linguistics so I can keep improving in this area. Next semester
I’m planning to take SPAN 305 or Spanish for the professions. This class will help me to improve my
vocabulary. It is supposed to teach the students how to write and behave in specifics situations such as in job interviews.
Sample 1: SPAN 313 Español Puertorriqueño
Sample 2: SPAN 313 Homework