Flores: MLO1
Language proficiency
I took seven classes to meet with the MLO 1 requirement. The classes that I took to fulfill with the four subcategories
of MLO 1 are: SPAN 301, SPAN 301s, SPAN 310, SPAN 321 and SPAN 425. Next semester I will
take SPAN 306 and SPAN 427, these classes also will help in the development of my knowledge toward this
MLO. On the following paragraph I explained how some of the classes above helped me to fulfill the language
proficiency requirement.
MLO 1 has helped me to improve my ability to communicate in Spanish efficiently. Taking upper division classes
have helped me to improve my speaking and listening ability through in class presentations, and in class
readings. I also improved my ability to write through short essays. Through SPAN 301 Composition/oral practice
I was able to improve my writing. Every week I was asked to write a diary about the activities I did through the
weekend or personal experiences that taught me a lesson. I included an example of these writings, one paper is
the first draft and the other one is the revised version. SPAN 301s helped me to improve my oral abilities; as a
presenter I had to communicate or present using academic language that could reflect my learning through this
course. When I took SPAN 310 Hispanic children literature, I practiced oral communication through class
discussions and fun activities. The class was in Spanish so my listening abilities improved by listening the
teacher and my classmates. On this class I had the opportunity to practice my Spanish through two projects. I
was asked to film a video narrating and acting out a story in Spanish. These projects were really fun since my
team and I filmed them outside class time, I also had the opportunity to practice my vocabulary with these two
girls. Through SPAN 321 Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature: Spain, I learned a lot about the origins of the
Spanish literature. One of my goals after I graduate is to keep learning more about Spanish literature and Latin
American literature as well. Through SPAN 425 La literature Mexicana I improved my reading ability because
this course is mainly based on reading. Every week I read one book and then the entire class would discuss the
Here are some examples that show how I met this MLO
Sample : Tadición Oral Latinoamericana, SPAN 310
Simple 2: Prueba de lectura sobre Pedro Paramo, SPAN 425
Language proficiency
I took seven classes to meet with the MLO 1 requirement. The classes that I took to fulfill with the four subcategories
of MLO 1 are: SPAN 301, SPAN 301s, SPAN 310, SPAN 321 and SPAN 425. Next semester I will
take SPAN 306 and SPAN 427, these classes also will help in the development of my knowledge toward this
MLO. On the following paragraph I explained how some of the classes above helped me to fulfill the language
proficiency requirement.
MLO 1 has helped me to improve my ability to communicate in Spanish efficiently. Taking upper division classes
have helped me to improve my speaking and listening ability through in class presentations, and in class
readings. I also improved my ability to write through short essays. Through SPAN 301 Composition/oral practice
I was able to improve my writing. Every week I was asked to write a diary about the activities I did through the
weekend or personal experiences that taught me a lesson. I included an example of these writings, one paper is
the first draft and the other one is the revised version. SPAN 301s helped me to improve my oral abilities; as a
presenter I had to communicate or present using academic language that could reflect my learning through this
course. When I took SPAN 310 Hispanic children literature, I practiced oral communication through class
discussions and fun activities. The class was in Spanish so my listening abilities improved by listening the
teacher and my classmates. On this class I had the opportunity to practice my Spanish through two projects. I
was asked to film a video narrating and acting out a story in Spanish. These projects were really fun since my
team and I filmed them outside class time, I also had the opportunity to practice my vocabulary with these two
girls. Through SPAN 321 Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature: Spain, I learned a lot about the origins of the
Spanish literature. One of my goals after I graduate is to keep learning more about Spanish literature and Latin
American literature as well. Through SPAN 425 La literature Mexicana I improved my reading ability because
this course is mainly based on reading. Every week I read one book and then the entire class would discuss the
Here are some examples that show how I met this MLO
Sample : Tadición Oral Latinoamericana, SPAN 310
Simple 2: Prueba de lectura sobre Pedro Paramo, SPAN 425