Brutzman: MLO3
MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
Course List:
Span 304: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Span 306: Culture and Civilization
Span 322: Masterpieces of Hispanic Latin America & Caribbean
Span TRANSFER: Latin American Theatre
Span 325: Hispanic Cinema **(FALL 2013)**
Span 395: Peruvian Literature & Culture
Course Work:
Peruvian Literature & Cluture (Spring 2012)
example one
Reflective Narrative:
MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
Within the Hispanic Culture, much like any culture, ways of thinking, behavioral practices, and cultural products are often expressed or manifested in a way unique to that respective country. Countries within the Spanish speaking world have similar cultural characteristics. Through taking courses focused on literature and culture, I was exposed to the similarities and the diversities. For example, while studying abroad the coursework had me learning grammar and reading progressively more challenging books to help maintain my learning experience. Through the courses listed above as well as on my Individual Learning Plan, I went to the higher profienciency level while at CSUMB where we were reading even more challenging material. The paralleling of learning grammar and literature is a proficient duo. I am now able to read to comprehend in spanish just as I can in English, my native tongue. The struggle allows you to learn and with a supportive staff at CSUMB I was able to ask questions and listen to the class lectures to understand cultural elements that may not be easily understood from reading words at face value. That is to say that within literary works including literature, poetry, short stories (all things that I studied from all over the Latin American World) there are double antandras, metaphors, similes, and so on that I as a native english speaker, still learning spanish, may not have caught just through reading homework materials. The crucial element for me was the in class discussions, the application of knowledge and the chance to learn from your peers as well as your professor. I am proud to say that through taking the literary and cultural focus of my spanish major I have a remarkable view of the past, present, and future. Past, being my struggle to push through and keep trying my hardest, learning a language takes time and dedication. Present, I see where I have come from and am humbly proud of the hrd work and determination I have put in to achieve much more than my expectations where going into the language program. While finally appreciating the future, the beautiful unknown of where I will take my specialties and pay it forward to the generations to come.
Course List:
Span 304: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Span 306: Culture and Civilization
Span 322: Masterpieces of Hispanic Latin America & Caribbean
Span TRANSFER: Latin American Theatre
Span 325: Hispanic Cinema **(FALL 2013)**
Span 395: Peruvian Literature & Culture
Course Work:
Peruvian Literature & Cluture (Spring 2012)
example one
Reflective Narrative:
MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
Within the Hispanic Culture, much like any culture, ways of thinking, behavioral practices, and cultural products are often expressed or manifested in a way unique to that respective country. Countries within the Spanish speaking world have similar cultural characteristics. Through taking courses focused on literature and culture, I was exposed to the similarities and the diversities. For example, while studying abroad the coursework had me learning grammar and reading progressively more challenging books to help maintain my learning experience. Through the courses listed above as well as on my Individual Learning Plan, I went to the higher profienciency level while at CSUMB where we were reading even more challenging material. The paralleling of learning grammar and literature is a proficient duo. I am now able to read to comprehend in spanish just as I can in English, my native tongue. The struggle allows you to learn and with a supportive staff at CSUMB I was able to ask questions and listen to the class lectures to understand cultural elements that may not be easily understood from reading words at face value. That is to say that within literary works including literature, poetry, short stories (all things that I studied from all over the Latin American World) there are double antandras, metaphors, similes, and so on that I as a native english speaker, still learning spanish, may not have caught just through reading homework materials. The crucial element for me was the in class discussions, the application of knowledge and the chance to learn from your peers as well as your professor. I am proud to say that through taking the literary and cultural focus of my spanish major I have a remarkable view of the past, present, and future. Past, being my struggle to push through and keep trying my hardest, learning a language takes time and dedication. Present, I see where I have come from and am humbly proud of the hrd work and determination I have put in to achieve much more than my expectations where going into the language program. While finally appreciating the future, the beautiful unknown of where I will take my specialties and pay it forward to the generations to come.